This week have i be ill so i have not take some pic of sky olny at moon. So i have see in my photomap from this summer and i find this pic from one sunset in june.

For more Sky Watch photos, visit the Sky watch site - Sky watch was Dots idea, now hosted by Sandy, Klaus, Tom , Ivar and Imac.
The colors in your sky are so rich. I love the moon shot as well.
Outstanding images.Norwegian skies are the most alluring.
SvarSlettTwo amazing shots. I especially love the colorful sky. Hope you feel better soon!
SvarSlettStuning SWF images!
SvarSlettThese shots are so very beautiful!
SvarSlettThat last one especially is utterly amazing!
I do hope you feel much better soon!
Two great shots.
SvarSlettMarvelous shots. Thanks for sharing!
Regina In Pictures
Wow -- that first shot is a knockout...
SvarSlettFlotte farger og behagelige skyer her ES. Månen drar jeg kjensel på :-) Ha en flott helg. Vi prates
SvarSlettKjempefine bilder,flotte farver på himmelen,og månebildet er supert!
SvarSlettIt's a very beautiful photo! Hope you are healthy soon!
SvarSlettVeldig stilig månebilde. Nydelige farger i det første. Flotte bidrag til SWF.
Both photos are truly beautiful.
SvarSlettFlotte bilder Einar - månen ble bra den da:))
SvarSlettFlotte swf bilder. Ja Thon kjøper de sikkert :)
SvarSlettåååååååå for en nydelig himmel