I was a tripp to sweden yesterday 17.07. 08 and this shoots i got from the tripp

For more Sky Watch photos, visit the Sky watch site - hosted by Sandy, Tom and Imac.
I was a tripp to sweden yesterday 17.07. 08 and this shoots i got from the tripp
For more Sky Watch photos, visit the Sky watch site - hosted by Sandy, Tom and Imac.
Hello from Colorado. Great series of pictures.
SvarSlettBeautiful Pictures!
SvarSlettThose are very beautiful and so very different!
SvarSlettMine in here Thanks
omg....all gorgeous.
SvarSlettVisit me in here Thanks
Love those! Especially the last one. Beautiful :)
SvarSlettDet vare rene sjørøverskuten du hadde fått tak i! Nydelig båt.
SvarSlettLikte godt bildet med alle fuglene.
Stunning pictures
SvarSlettWow... from clear blue skies to dark cloudy skies. Great! I loved the one with lots of birds!
SvarSlettMy SWF is posted HERE.
Hope you can drop by. Happy weekends!
Like John, you show Norway to be a wonderful place - with wonderful skies. Thank you.
SvarSlettNydelige bilder,alle sammen!
SvarSlettThose heavy grey clouds are incredible! And your flock of birds is quite inspiring!
SvarSlettThese are all so beautiful! It would be difficult to choose a favorite!
SvarSlettThanks for sharing the skies over Norway and Sweden. You had a lovely day to travel.
SvarSlettWhat more could you ask for, great collection.
SvarSlettThe Team thanks you for posting your sky and helping to make this new venture a success
Great set of pictures - love the second one and the birds circling - wonderful.
Bodge's Bulletin
It's excellent how these colors are so different. I think they can strongly communicate emotion. Well done!
SvarSlettThis is a wonderful variety of sky photos, they are all amazing and I love the colours in the skies. Happy SWF.
SvarSlettWOW! These are all wonderful! Each and every one is so beautiful/or mood inspiring. Love them all.
SvarSlettLove Love Love them! Especially the seagulls. Great contrast!
SvarSlettYou always have such beautiful pictures - #2 & #6 is just simply awesome - so dramatic - I like them all but I love those 2!!!
SvarSlettThe coulds are fantastic!
SvarSlettThe two last ones are my favourites. I have to say I love the threatening skies.... and was it raining seagulls while I was away...??? Put the kettle on... I am rushing down for coffee now..
Perfekte bilder for sky watch, ES.
SvarSlettI like the dark, angry clouds best along with the birds. Thought I saw a face in the last one.
SvarSlettGreat sky watch photos!
SvarSlettGreat sky watch photos!
SvarSlettThese are my kind of skies. This is hat my sky usually looks like. It's so onderful when it's full of drama like this. All so beautiful, but i do adore those ominous skies.
SvarSlettThose are beautiful sky~watch captures..WOW! Beautiful blue in that first shot..& that second shot is so dramatic, eerie even..love it!
SvarSlettThanks for visiting!
Your skies are amazing, & so beautifully captured!
Happy sky~watching!
Bare bildene er jo verdt hele turen...ellers så havnet det vel litt annet godt i handlekurven, tenker jeg;)
SvarSletthei dette var fine bilder ja og de båtene var jo bare så lekre, skulle hatt en slik selv tenker jeg hehe
SvarSlettFlotte bilder fra turen din! Likte spesielt de med fuglene.
SvarSlettHa en fin helg videre!
The clear sky photos, and the boat, are beautiful, but my favorites are the photos with the gray, stormy clouds. Love it!
SvarSlettGreat Sky Watch!
Very nice shots! Hope you enjoyed Sweden! :)
SvarSlettwow! fantastic! Thanks for the comment at my site...have a lovely week ahead.
SvarSlettI love the one with all the birds flying above!!! :)
SvarSlettAll are incredible. #'s 2 and 5 are simply over the top!
SvarSlettPerfect SWF!
GREAT! Have to say the second and second last are my favourites :)
SvarSlettHeisann, ta deg en tur i bloggen min - det ligger noe til deg der....
SvarSlettNice shots! I like the sky shots. Its really good. Keep it up =)
SvarSlettThey all looked fabulous but the second and last were truly fab. Thanks!
SvarSlettI Love the grey clouds they look spongy. all the pictures are beautiful.
SvarSlettHello from Texas! I love your photos. The ones on this post are especially nice! Thanks for visiting my blog.
SvarSlettGreat set of pictures! I'm a sucker for clouds.